mardi 30 septembre 2008

bAp 23/09/08

ce soir, pierre henry rencontre le projet de Angil et king kong wAs A cAt "Angil wAs A cAt" (sortie cet été en vinyl sur le lAbel we Are unique records...). pour compléter lA sélection musicAle on retrouve divers Artistes (devo, AbstrAckt keAl AgrAm, 9th cloud, eddie hArris et john oswAld) playlist: john oswAld (extrAits de plunderphonics) devo "gut feeling/slAp your mAmmy" pierre henry & michel colombier "jericho jerk" 9th cloud "second sight" Angil wAs A cAt "over kill bill" pierre henry & michel colombier "prologue de la messe pour le temps présent" Angil wAs A cAt "song for d.g." pierre henry & michel colombier "too fortiche" AbstrAckt keAl AgrAm "bAd thriller" Angil wAs A cAt "brighton's two words of the dAy" pierre henry & michel colombier "teen tonic" Angil wAs A cAt "the shAme of jAzz to cope" eddie hArris "i don't wAnt nobody" +++ divers extrAits de l'ApocAlypse de jeAn, de pierre henry

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